Slot Machine and Gambling Questions

Question F-1: What does a new slot machine cost today?


Approximately $5000. In Nevada there is so much gambling that it takes a casino only 20 days to recoup the cost. In Illinois, it takes 67 days. That helps explain why slots are allocated the most space in a casino. It also says to me that antique slos are a bargain.


Question F-2: What colors attract slot machines players?


Bright colors, such as red, attract players. On the other hand softer colors, like blue and green, are better for keeping people playing. Therefore, the bright colors are placed at the end of the row and soft colors are used in the middle.


Question: F-3: What percent of the slot machines today use fruit symbols?


Less than 5%? IGT, one of the largest slot manufacturerers today, uses fruit symbols less than 1% of the time. People used to associate winning with cherries, plums, and oragnes. Now-a-days, it's "bars".


Gumball and Vending Questions

Question J-1: How many gumball machines are there on location?


There are 850,000 gumball machine on location.


Question J-2: How many of these are placed by charitable organizations?


Charitable organization place 400,000 gumballs machines


Question J-3: How many cigarette machines are on location?


There are 380,000 cigarette machines on location.


Question J-4: What is the best selling product in vending machines?


If you said cigarettes, you were wrong, way wrong. Cigarette are #6. #1 is cold drinks in cans.

Here are the statistics.

Source: Vending Times

Jukebox Questions

Question D-1: Which jukebox is a television and jukebox combination?


It was the 1948 Aireon Coronet 400. It came with a 10" RCA coin operated television. It was a novelty that didn't make it.Many people call this jukebox the "Canned Ham" because it looks like one.


Question D-2: Which jukebox is finished on all four sides?


It is the 1941 Rockola 1414, the President. It's unique looking because it has a big bowl-shaped speaker on its top.

More Jukebox Questions

Question N-1: Which jukebox is shaped like a baby grand piano?


The 1962 Chantal Model Cocktail which was made in Italy.


Question N-2: Which jukebox is a combination radio and jukebox?

Hint: It is also the largest jukebox ever made.


It is the 1948 - 56 Goliath Discophone made in Belgium. It's rare, only 600 of these were made.

Gambling Questions

Question O-1: If you have $1000, is it better to make 100 ten dollar bets or 10 one hundred dollar bets?


On the average, the longer you play, the more you will lose. The statistician, therefore, recommends that you make 10 one hundred dollar bets. (See below for another opinion)


Questions about your Coins

Question O-2: What is the metal content of pennies?


Two types of cents now circulate - the standard 95% coppper and the 5% zinc cent, and a copper-plated zinc cent introduced in 1982.

The new cent contains 97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper. It is identical in size, color, and design to the standard copper cent but weighs 2.500 grams as opposed to 3.1100 grams for the old cents.

That may explain why the new pennies don't always operate as well in the old machines as the old pennies.

More Gambling Questions

Question S-1: Why do veteran gamblers play craps?


Because the odds are best. The house's edge is only .6 to 1.4%. In comparison, the house's edge in roulette is 5.2%, blackjack is 10%, slots are 2 to 15%, Big Wheel is 15%, and Keno is 20%. The house's edge of 15% means that for every $100 bet, the house makes on the average $15, i.e., only pays out $85.


Question S-2: How many hands of blackjack are dealt in a hour?


Sixty to seventy five an hour. The more hands that are dealt, the more the casino makes.


Question S-3: What kind of gamblers are the following: fleas, seagullers, and granny grinders?


Fleas are gamblers who don't bet much, like to talk in the hopes of getting freebies.

Seagullers are people who check slot machine cups for coins.

Granny grinders are nickel and quarter players who wager less than $100 a visit.

Roller Coaster Questions

Question M-1: Where and when was the first roller coaster built in the United States?


Coney Island in 1884


Question M-2: What was it top speed?


Six Miles Per Hour


Question M-3: How much did it cost to build that first roller coaster?




Question M-4: How long did it take for the inventor to recover his investment?


Three Weeks


Question M-5: What is the top speed of today's roller coaster?


80 miles per hour

Dear GameRoomAntiques people,

Some of my co-workers and I happened to speculate over lunch about the history and mechanisms of vending machines. Someone suggested checking the web, so I typed "history of vending machines" into AltaVista, and hit exactly two pages, both on your site. They were good, so I started looking around. I really appreciate your site: no flashy graphics that take five minutes to download, but lots of real information.

I do have one comment about your answer to question O-1, in your `Bet you can't answer these questions' page. You say that one should rather bet $1000 in ten hundred-dollar bets than a hundred ten-dollar bets, because the longer you play the more you lose. Actually, I don't believe it's that simple. Some games, like poker with an ante, may include a fixed cost per game, and it is true you would pay less ante if you played fewer hands. But in most games the house has a simple percentage advantage: on average, you lose a fixed percentage of whatever you bet, whether you bet it all at once or in nickels over a lifetime. It just isn't true that the longer you play, the more you lose. Here is the real answer: The more you bet, the more you lose. On average, it doesn't matter whether you bet your money fast or slowly. But if you make a few big bets, you have a good chance for either a big win or a big loss; whereas if you make many small bets, your wins will tend to cancel out your losses somewhat, and you will actually end up with a net loss very close to the long-run average. So if you want to have a high chance of making a killing, and are willing to accept an even higher risk of losing your shirt, make a few big bets; but if you can't afford to lose that much, and you still enjoy gambling even when you know you will slowly but steadily lose money and never strike it rich, then you should make lots of small bets. (If neither of these cases fits you, nor anything on the spectrum in between them, stay out of casinos.)

James Anglin.





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