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If you buy or sell anything on the internet, someone may try to defraud you.

Please read the following carefully and keep them in mind when you receive an email or phone call.

  1. You may get an email from someone overseas who expresses interest in your item. They may even volunteer to have their own shipper pick up the item. They will then pay with a bank check or credit card that is fraudulent.

    They may send you a check for more than the item and ask you to send the difference to them. Never do that.

    Unless you get cash in your hand, you have to let any check you receive fully clear the banking system. Your bank will give you access to the funds in 3-5 days, but it can take as much as 6-8 weeks before a fraudulent check is returned to you and then your bank will debit your account.

    My recommendation is never to accept a check from someone overseas, especially from Africa or Asia, without waiting 8 weeks before you let anyone have the merchandize.


  2. The person uses the phone company relay system for deaf people. The operator asks you to accept a call and then reads the message the person types to the operator.

    The person then asks for your email and then sends you a fradulent check or money order and asks you to ship the merchandize.

    The only safe way of accepting money is as follows: Get cash, a wire to your bank account or if you accept a check or money order, you MUST wait at least 8 - 10 weeks for it to fully clear. The bank gives you access to the money in checks that you deposit, but it takes 8 - 10 weeks for it to fully clear. If it is fraudulent, the banks takes the money back from you.

    Another scam involves you receiving a check for more than the sales price and the buyer asks you to send them the difference.

    My advice, never sell an item you can't get their phone number so you can call them and talk to them in person and never ship your item till you get cash or the check fully clears.

If you get an email or phone call from someone who uses the above approach, don't answer the email or hang up the phone.

We prefer using phone numbers on our classified ad section, because it is much less likely that you get a scam call than a scam email because an email can be sent in bulk and cost nothing to the scammer.





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Ken Durham
please email: durham@GameRoomAntiques.com
